A classic 'werewolf' film being 'The Wolf-Man' opened in 1941, has helped shape the great folkloric legend seen in 'Hollywood' blockbusters today.
(bad quality, the original 1941 trailer)
(1981 orginal trailer: The Howling)
Other way of identifying a werewolf include:
Although the suspected appearance of the werewolf changes from culture to culture, two thing are questioned to stick out. One being the fact that they appear no different to ordinary wolves, although this can easily be over rided by the myth at werewolves are granted with extra physical powers beyond the realms of humans and ordinary wolves. The second is that werewolves are believed to not have tails, this comes from the belief that witches were thought to change forms as they wouldn't have tails. The only feature that is thought to stay with the werewolf is their human eyes.
These simple descriptions come from most European legends of the vampires.
I want to my production to fit in with modern pop culture i.e 'vampires' ( Stephanie Meyers 'Twilight') and 'Werewolves' ( Stephanie Meyers 'New Moon') but i also want my production to take influences from classic versions of these, hense the Noseratu and Frankenstein.