Thursday, 17 September 2009

In the beggining...

For my A2 project i have decided to work alone, and produce a film trailer for a new movie coming out.

I know this will include a lot of work and some areas of that work I'm not particularly strong in i will ask people from my group if they can assist me. Although the sole responsibility for the project is my own i will include the people that have helped me create it on the final credits.

Key parts to look at for this will include:

  • Storyboarding techniques
  • Placing of titles in films
  • Trailers for specific genres and age groups

While looking into different production trailers and specifying the genre I'd most like to do, i will include filmed focus group discussions for different trailers, this will help me define the market and thoughts others have when decided which film to see next.

As I'm a student i will have to take in to consideration that i don't have a big budget to produce lavish trailers, but I'm sure with the right promotions techniques and skill i can make something just as worth seeing as say... 'Twilight' or 'Transformers' (not that either of them are the type of genre i may decide to choose!)

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